Event request
Would you like to spend a nice event in Eastern Switzerland with a group / family / club?
Then you've come to the right place!
Would you like to enjoy an unforgettable camping experience with high-quality tent equipment and all-round offers in nature?
We offer you a complete package at fair prices.
You decide:
Number of people
number of overnight stays
Food (optional)
Seating (optional)
Specialties (optional)
Wine / beer tastings
BBQ party
Campfire ribbon
Guided excursions
Other wishes?
Arrival and departure (date & time)
Pack your sleeping bag and the adventure can begin.
Ask us via the contact form or by phone and we will make you a non-binding offer.

Here you will find all of our additional services along with our products.
If you are interested, please use the contact form, email, phone or the chat function
Our rental price list per tent:
> 3 days | 50 CHF / day
> 7 days | 35 CHF / day
> 14 days | 25 CHF / day
Ask us via the contact form or by phone and we will make you a non-binding offer.
Small sample calculation:
You would like to rent a 5m cotton luxury tent for 5 days (4 nights) together with 5 people.
You pay a tent rental of 250 CHF (5x 50 CHF / day) and additionally
approx. 200.- CHF for shipping and final inspection results in a total of approx. 450.- CHF .
So that would be an overnight price for 4 nights for 5 people
22.50 CHF / night per person
or in other words
112.50 CHF / night for every 5 people
(As a reminder, the tent allows to accommodate between 8-10 people)
There is a deposit fee for tent rental.